Friday, May 7, 2010

Research Question #3

Q:1 What is the difference between a Cyclone and a Tornado?

A: A tornado can be up to 1.6km across while a cuclone are hundreds of kilometers across. Tornadoes only last a few minutes, when cyclones last several days, maybe a week. Cyclone winds range 140km/h, tornado wind speeds range from 64 to 177 km/h though can reach 450 km/h.
Tropical cyclones form, over sea then travel over land, while tornadoes form just aover land. When a tornado forms over seas they are called waterspouts.
Tornadoes form whaen a cool front and a warm front meet. A cyclone is formed when there is an area of low pressure surrounded by an area of high pressure.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Research Question #2

Q:2 How tornadoes form?

A: A tornado begins is a severe thunderstom called a supercell. A supercell can last longer than a regular t-strom. The same energy that keeps the storm going also produces most tornadoes, the wind coming into the strom starts to swirl and forms a funnel. The air in the funnel spins faster and faster and creates a very low pressure area which sucks more air.

Severe T-storm have cold dry polar air meets warm moist tropical air, this is common in the Tornado Alley. Tornadoes can form any time during the year most form in May more severe ones form earlier because the most dameage is caused in April. The more north you go the peak tornado season is.

Research Question #1

Q:1 What is a Tornado?

My answer: A tornado is a dark funnel-shaped colud made up of rotating winds that can reach speed of up to 300 mph. The diameter of a tornado can very between a few feet and a mile, and its track can extend form less than a mile to several hundred miles. Tornados generally travel in a northeast direction at speeds ranging from 20-60 mph.
The winds inside a tornado spiral upward and inward with a lot of speed and power. It crates an internat empty that then sucks up anything it passes over.
A torando can from very quickly sometimes in a minute or less.It can travel across the ground at high speeds. Every year about 500 millions worth in damages is done by tornadoes in the U.S. Most tornadoes last less than twenty minutes and travel less than 15 miles